.HU Domain Registration

Existing or new domain?




Fill in the Application Form

The registration of a .HU domain is based on the Application Form which contains data about the domain and the registrant.


Scan and send back

Please send the Application From back to us signed and scanned.

Confirmation and Payment

Should you'd like to set up custom data to the domain, please send these as well (DNS, mail server, email addresses, etc.) Without these we set up the domain with our default settings, which can be changed afterwards.





Fill in the Application Form

The registration of a .HU domain is based on the Application Form which contains data about the domain and the registrant.


Waiver statement

In case of the domain registrant changes during the transfer, than a waiver statement is needed from the former registrant as well.


Scan and send back

Please send the Application From back to us signed and scanned.

Confirmation and Payment

Should you'd like to set up custom data to the domain, please send these as well (DNS, mail server, email addresses, etc.) Without these we set up the domain with our default settings, which can be changed afterwards.